10 End of year job hunting tips to get you ahead

A woman on a pedal go kart, wearing a suit and a yellow helmet looking into the distance with the caption "10 end of year job hunting tips to get you ahead"

As a seasoned recruiter, I've witnessed firsthand the unique dynamics of job hunting during the holiday season. Contrary to popular belief, this time of year is quite hectic in the recruitment world, but the focus is predominantly on closing out processes with existing candidates rather than initiating new ones. This leaves many job seekers wondering how to navigate their search during these quieter months.

Here are 10 tips to help you crush it in the New Year.

1. Time for a Break:
The end of the year is an excellent opportunity to take a well-deserved break. Use this time to mentally recharge and enjoy some downtime. Rested minds are more creative and productive, which will be advantageous when you resume your job search.

2. LinkedIn Optimization:
Your LinkedIn profile is your digital resume. Ensure it's up-to-date, highlights your skills, and showcases your accomplishments. Active engagement on the platform and keywords can increase your visibility to recruiters.

3. Target Companies List:
Research what companies are doing and what gets you excited about them. Use that list to build groups of people that you want to network with to learn and find out more. Having (and using) a target list is a more strategic way of job searching.

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4. Resume Variations:
If your job search spans multiple roles, create a base resume for each category. Remember, tailoring your resume for specific applications is key to standing out.

5. Strategy Review:
Take a step back and review your job search strategy. Analyze what methods worked and what didn’t. Networking, for instance, most people say they are all over it when actually all they do is send 1 or 2 messages a week.

6. Networking Plan:
Build a list of contacts you want to reach out to in the new year. Networking can open doors to opportunities that might not be advertised. Become top of mind.

7. Setting Realistic Goals:
Set achievable goals beyond just landing a job. Focus on things that are within your control like, number of people spoken to in your network, number of people added to your network, number of companies researched etc…

8. Interview Practice:
Sharpen your interview skills. Practice your responses to common questions like "Tell me about yourself." Being prepared will boost your confidence and can even help you define what you want to do next.

9. Open Conversations:
Your job search journey can be emotionally taxing. Talk about your experiences with friends and family. You're not alone in this process.

10. Enjoy Life:
Finally, don’t forget to have fun and create memories. A well-rounded life will keep you motivated and energized.

While the holiday season might seem like a slow period for job seekers, it presents a unique opportunity to prepare and position yourself for success in the new year. Use this time wisely to reflect, recharge, and strategize. Remember, every step you take now lays the foundation for your future opportunities.

Feel free to share your own holiday job search experiences or tips in the comments below. If you need personalized advice or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.




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